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Indian National Army

The indian national army(I.N.A) was the first army formed under the leadership of rash bihari bose and subhash chandra bose in the year 1942 but this army worked only few months between february-december. It was formed with the support of Japanese army after the british-indian army surrendered infront of Japanese army. I.N.A consisted 12,000 of the 40,000 indian prisoners of war who were captured either during the malayan campaign or surrendered at singapore. In june 1942 the I.N.A declared itself a subordinate military wing of indian independence league. In december 1942 it dissolved because of the lack of the distrust between the Japanese army and I.N.A . INA led to disagreements and distrust between Mohan Singh and INA leadership on one hand, and the League's leadership, most notably rash bihari bose, who handed over the Indian National Army to Subhash chandra bose. But later on, the I.N.A soldiers joined the second incarnation of indian national army. The famous web series of 2019 "The Forgotten Army" was based on the first indian national army.

_Chandresh Mishra


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The great india

Shiv tandav stotram

Hello freinds, here is "shiv tandav stotram" ,it is written by ravan who was a true devotee of lord shiva, he was brahman and was very knowledgeable. Here is the translation of shiv tandav stotram in hindi and english respectively.  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sanskrit translation -       जटा टवी गलज्जलप्रवाह पावितस्थले गलेऽव लम्ब्यलम्बितां भुजंगतुंग मालिकाम्‌। डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनाद वड्डमर्वयं चकारचण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिव: शिवम्‌ ॥१॥        जटाकटा हसंभ्रम भ्रमन्निलिंपनिर्झरी विलोलवीचिवल्लरी विराजमानमूर्धनि। धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वल ल्ललाटपट्टपावके किशोरचंद्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम: ॥२॥ धराधरेंद्रनंदिनी विलासबन्धुबन्धुर स्फुरद्दिगंतसंतति प्रमोद मानमानसे। कृपाकटाक्षधोरणी निरुद्धदुर्धरापदि क्वचिद्विगम्बरे मनोविनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥३॥ जटाभुजंगपिंगल स्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा कदंबकुंकुमद्रव प्रलिप्तदिग्व धूमुखे। मदांधसिंधु रस्फुरत्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे मनोविनोदद्भुतं बिंभर्...


We know these days are not good because no one wants self imprisonment, but guys, this is only for ourselves. As per yesterday's information given by the government if we didn't get into this lockdown at time, the no. of cases in india will be increased to 8.2 lakh. On the other hand there is also a view that very few people are testing in India, compare to other countries. And because of this, there are fewer cases of corona patients in India. Currently there are 8356 corona patients in india and definitely this will increase because few people are not following this lockdown also they are not following instructions as per the government. The no. of deaths in the nation is 273 with 709 cured/recoverd cases. So please, guys stay at home for few days and be safe. Remember one thing if you met people with corona positive and if they need help from you please help them it is duty of yours to help other. Keep learning something new in this quarantine. _Chandresh Mishra